Thursday, February 17, 2005

My Writing Style: Drip of Consciousness

The last time I sat down to write something in the sci-fi genre, I was in high school. I know the manuscript is somewhere in my parents' house, but I think I would be afraid to see it. I would probably think, "what was I thinking?" What I am about to write will surely be quite different, and maybe even a bit better. But, what I wrote so long ago I wrote because I was passionate about the story that I saw unfold in my imagination. I wrote from where I was at in life. Hopefully, that won't change.

So here's the basic idea as it stands now:

The main characters in the story work for an "agency" (whatever that means). Their job is to hunt the terrible, nasty pirates that interfer with corporate and "deal" with them accordingly. In the midst of the story, they will discover that the story by which they have lived their lives in the employ of their agency has been thoroughly "filtered." They enter crisis. If they continue with the agency, they will never be able to live with integrity. But, if they leave the agency, they have to admit to themselves that the entire meaning of their live thusfar has been based on a lie.

So the theme of the story is that there are many perspectives into reality, and these various truths form the basis for our sense of purpose in life. But what happens when all of that unravels? How do we find meaning in life when life has proven itself to be meaningless? These are the questions that this story seeks to address. My current humble task.

Who knows how often I will get to update this. I may write in spurts. I may just start it up and work right through it pretty quickly (highly doubtful). I'm sure a lot of this will be more "thought" oriented than "story" oriented (much like this post). I might need to post some conceptual graphics as well. Visuals help to convey the feel.

Wish me luck!

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